Saturday, September 29, 2007

Evilution Store SoHo

I was walking around SoHo this afternoon when I came across this store. Evilution eh? Science and art, eh?
Well no self-respecting evilutionary biologist would pass up an opportunity to shop in an Evilution Store. The shop carried all manner of fossils, stuffed animals, shells, geodes etc. Not to mention a complete line of hominid skulls.
Oh and many skeletons. Including this pair of children's skeletons. Other gifts included fruit bats in a frame, stuffed weasels, shark in a jar, penis bones, rattlesnake head, worm lollipops (I bought a couple for my nieces. They love candy). I happened to be wearing my Evilution Concert T-shirt (i.e. Stony Brook U, June 23-27, 2006). The girls behind the counter thought it was pretty amusing to meet a real live evilutionary biologist. The vibe of the whole store was decidedly creepy. I couldn't help thinking, I bet Bioephemera would love this.


  1. The first time I saw that store was about 6 years ago. I haven't stopped by that store for a while. I'm impressed that the store is still in business! I'd like to go back to visit. I think that it's located at Prince St. I just want to check out on some books and shirts. You did a good job taking pictures of the store.

  2. "The vibe of the whole store was decidedly creepy. I couldn't help thinking, I bet Bioephemera would love this."

    You better believe I do!

    But wait, does that mean I'm creepy? And that the human skull I've been showing off is not a socially correct conversation piece in most circles? Darn. . . unmasked yet again as freaky AND geeky. And I need a ride to Soho.

  3. Andrew: didn't see much by way of books. Somewhat disappointed in that regard.

    Jessica: You're not creepy, you just have non-traditional aesthetics :)
    That Flayed Angel STILL gives me nitemares!

  4. I really want a T-shirt that has some permutation of 'Evilution' on it.

    I just have at least a dozen with biohazard symbols on them :P
